Summer Camp
Summer Camp applications for primary students aged 3 years old through kindergarten are now being accepted. Summer Camp is a 9 week period beginning June 4th and ending August 3rd. Session A runs from June 4th to June 29th and Session B runs from July 2nd to August 3rd, we are closed on July 4th. 8:00am to 3:00pm–$175.00 per week; 8:00am to 6:00pm–$200.00 per week. We are limiting each week to 24 students. As the sessions fill up, we will be closing out weeks. Applications are available in the office.
Book a Tour
We invite prospective parents to come by Baldwin Oaks Academy to tour our facility and meet our staff. We offer tours on Monday – Thursday between the times of 9:00 a.m.-11 a.m. This will give you an opportunity to observe all classrooms actively engaged in the Montessori curriculum, from Toddler to Primary.